Acai Weight Loss


  Health Benefits of Acai Berry - Is It Good For Acai Weight Loss

The acai berry and its many benefits has been sweeping the nation. Some people have heard it mostly through talk, passing from one person to another, generally through experience with the berry and its amazing abilities. However, as it becomes more and more popular, people are hearing it across the news, all over the internet, and even over radio commercials. So what is the acai berry and what are these benefits that have claimed to change lives?

Acai berries are grown in the Amazon, in an area known as the Varzea Flooded Forest Region. It grows on palm trees that can reach incredible heights. It grows much like bananas, in bunches, rather than like cherries which grow individually. It is harvested by the locals, who climb the trees and use machetes to take down the branches, which are loaded onto boats and shipped to processing centers. There, it can be processed as one of several things. More recently, it has been used as powders and capsules for weight loss. But more popularly, it is pulverized and the juice is sold to local markets and shops around Brazil and even across the world to use in smoothies, drinks or whatever the buyer fancies.

But what is it about this amazing berry that has so many people exclaiming over it? It has been named one of the newest and best superfoods due to its many benefits. However, many people aren’t exactly aware of just how MANY benefits there are, let alone what they are. The first and most noticeable is the simple fact that the acai berry, in whatever form, gives great stamina and energy. The many antioxidants lend not only this boost of power, but also numerous other benefits that acai has to offer. A few of these include: improved mental focus, detoxing the body, better sexual function, and maintenance of several of the body’s major systems like cardiovascular and digestive.
What exactly does the acai contain that causes it to be the highest ranking fruit and steadily becoming more popular in all areas of science? The most prominent is the fact that acai contains 33 times the Anthocyanins than red wine grapes. Anthocyanins have been found to demonstrate many potential medical effects such as treating fibrocystic disease of the breast and diabetic retinopathy. It also contains the vitamins B1, B2, B3, C and E which are vital in every diet. An essential amino acid complex paired with valuable trace minerals is very important for proper muscle contraction and regeneration.

It is not just the medical benefits that are attracting so many people. Deemed one of the most revolutionary diet supplements, it has a lot to gloat about. Very low sugar content for a fruit, more protein than the average egg, the obvious boost of energy, and the essential fatty acids Omega 6 and 9 which research has shown helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels which is extremely important for every person, as it affects the cardiovascular system and fundamentally the entire body.

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